Not every guy is going to end up being a natural at having sex, and that’s okay. If you want to improve your sex life, then you have to be willing to listen to your partner, and to read up on a lot of different sex tips in order to see how much you can learn. Fortunately, we’ve been there, and while some members of our team are a lot more natural at it than we are, others had times where they were struggling with the task of getting the hang of certain sexual acts. If you want to come out on top, then you’ve got to know a few basic tips that can end up giving you a lot more prowess in the bedroom.
We can help with this. We can boost your confidence in bed, which is going to end up being about 99% of the battle. The other 1% is making sure that you actually try, and that you’re listening to your partner. The more that you listen to the lady that you’re hopping in the sack with, the better off you’re going to be, and you’re going to end up without a ton of issues. You’re going to end up having a much better time of it, and with all of that confidence, you’re going to be able to improve your sexual skills in no time flat.

We know the best sex positions.
The way that you’re actually having sex is going to end up playing a huge role in how happy she is. If you don’t know how to hit that right position and keep it going, then she’s going to end up annoyed with you and unsatisfied. Remember, ladies are the ones that have to endure you poking and prodding around to get it right, so it’s best if you actually try to get yourself in shape, stay flexible, and learn how to make it as comfortable for her as possible. If you don’t, that’s going to only end up being a turnoff, and she’ snot going to want to get back in bed with you any time soon.
Missionary is often the way to go, no matter how ‘boring’ it might seem. There’s a reason why so many people do it, and it’s because it’s usually pretty comfortable for your lady friend. You want to make sure that she’s not feeling any pain when you’re inside of her, and if she is, you can adjust this with pillows beneath her lower back, or finding new places for her legs to rest. On your shoulders or around your waist, or even being held in your arms are ways that might end up working better than just having the flat on the bed and otherwise kind of in the way of things.
Don’t forget oral sex.
If you want to improve your sex life, then you’ve got to get good at oral sex. Not every woman is going to appreciate it, but not every single woman is going to want penetrative sex, either. You need to at least be willing to give her oral sex if she’s interested it whenever you’re together, because if you ask her for the same thing, then reciprocation is always the answer. Guys that aren’t willing to do this are guys that she’s probably not going to end up giving the time of day to in the near future.
You want to make sure that you’re not putting anything weird down there, either. This means stick to water-based things, like ice cubes. Anything flavored is going to end up asking for an infection on her end, and that’s going to put a stop to your fun time with her immediately. You don’t want to end up hurting her, and you always want to be gentle. Listen to what she’s saying to you, and if your tongue is too pointy, for example, then soften it up. You always want to end up taking the cues of your lady, and if you aren’t paying attention to her, then she’s got every right to kick you right out of her bed.
All in all, your sex life is going to be on the way to improvement if you’ve read through all of our tips. Don’t just be selfish in bed and take what you want; always be prepared to listen to her, and to what she wants to do. Take your time with her, and try to make sure that she’s happy and enjoying herself. No matter how eager the two of you are, a bit of preparation and conversation is going to go a long way.