When it comes to nailing down that next date, you want to make sure that you’ve got it in hand. You don’t want to miss out on an awesome girl just because you don’t know how to ask her out again, and if you’re really serious about her, you want to make sure that she knows about it. Even if you’re just looking for casual sex on the regular, knowing how to bring it up to her and have an actual conversation is going to end up being worth its weight in gold, and you want to make sure that you don’t miss out on a hot, fun lady that you’re ready to spend time with.
The ladies that you’ll find on adult dating websites know that the guys they are hooking up with want to have fun with them on the regular, but that doesn’t mean it has to be something more. Of course, there’s always the chance it can turn into something like that, and knowing how to differentiate when you actually chat with her is going to end up making a huge difference for the two of you. Make sure you’ve got that nailed down, and that you’re ready to really have a conversation with her about it before you get in too deep.

Just be honest.
Timing is everything when it comes to a casual relationship, but you also want to make sure that you’re starting off by being really honest with her. Just talking to your lady about what you’re interested in before you two really get too far into the relationship is going to end up making things easier on everyone. You want to make sure that she actually understand that you aren’t here to have a full-blown romance with her. Make sure she understands that you’re here on the regular for sex, and that’s about as far as that’s ever going to end up going for the two of you.
If you start off your relationship with her by being honest about that, then it’s not going to be any trouble to actually talk to her after the first date and ask her out for another fun night on the town. Chances are, if she had a great time with you that first night, she’s going to be really happy to hear you ask her for another date. She’s going to be raring to go, and if you’re as eager and cheerful about it as she wants you to be, then she’s probably not going to end up having a moment’s hesitation. You do need to make sure that you’re timing it correctly, however, and when it comes to asking for that next date, you can’t be too careful about that sort of thing.
Have the right timing in your casual relationship.
Timing is going to end up getting you really far in asking her for a second date. You don’t want to end up doing it too soon. For example, if you two literally just had sex, and you rolled over and asked her for a second date, that’s probably not going to go very well. She’d probably end up laughing in your face, no matter how good the sex was, and that’s why it’s usually better to wait until that next morning or afternoon to bring up the topic. She will have had time to stew on the topic, too, and that’s going to make her a lot more willing to actually meet up with you again.
Talking to her a day later is going to end up making your life a lot easier, and it’s one of the more important dating tips that we can hand out. It’s given her time to think it over, and she’s going to probably be more amicable about it. Just send her a text or an e-mail, and tell her how much of a great time that you had the last night. If you can do this much, she’s already going to be geared up for the next question, which is going to end up being you asking her to meet up with you a second time. This isn’t complicated, and she’s going to usually be pretty quick to say yes.
If she doesn’t say yes, then just drop it. You don’t want to end up pushing a lady into something that she doesn’t want to do, or to come off as some kind of a stalker. Just tell her thanks anyway, and move on. There are plenty of fish in the sea, and plenty of ladies that are going to be more than willing to go out with you.