Having casual sex is a fun thing, but there’s an end to everything in this world. That doesn’t mean that you have to be a jerk about it if you want to end up calling off your relationship, however; you can make sure that you’re still nice and on good terms with the girl that […] Read more
Tips & Advice

When it comes to nailing down that next date, you want to make sure that you’ve got it in hand. You don’t want to miss out on an awesome girl just because you don’t know how to ask her out again, and if you’re really serious about her, you want to make sure that she […] Read more

Not every guy is going to end up being a natural at having sex, and that’s okay. If you want to improve your sex life, then you have to be willing to listen to your partner, and to read up on a lot of different sex tips in order to see how much you can […] Read more

There are a lot of reasons why you might want to date an older woman, or as we like to call them, MILFs. They’re everywhere online, and they’re thirsty for sex. They just aren’t having an easy time of it in their neighborhoods or with their busy jobs, and that’s why you will have plenty […] Read more

Starting off a hot night with your new date is going to set the stage. You want to make sure that you’re actually doing this right, or it can end up really dealing a blow to your confidence. Obviously, you don’t want to end up disappointing her with the setting of your date or the […] Read more

You might be a beer man, but there’s a way to actually impress a woman, and it’s not cracking open a cold one and downing it back in about 2.5 seconds. You want to actually impress her, and that means being classier than that. Knowing how to class it up and really stand out of […] Read more

Coping with a breakup is never something that comes easy, but it’s still something that you should be able to learn how to do. Sometimes, an adult dating site can end up helping you with that, and we know some of the best tactics in order to feel better about yourself again. Fortunately, everyone has […] Read more

Guys aren’t born with an innate ability to talk to women. Sure, some men are a bit more silver-tongued than others, but that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be something that you master over night. It can take months and months in order to learn how to talk to women properly, but that doesn’t […] Read more

Knowing how to impress a lady with what you’ve got on your body is important, and fortunately, it’s what we’re best at. Knowing what to wear is going to end up shaping the way that your first date goes, and it’s going to end up creating a solid first impression that’s going to wow her […] Read more

The way you smell is going to make a big difference to the ladies, and if you want to impress your date, then you don’t want to end up smelling like a pig sty. Sure, a lot of women appreciate guys that smell like they’ve been at work on a farm…but that’s still a particular […] Read more